Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Text Set #3

The Ecosystem 

Marine Ecosystem Illustrations

This is a great website for students to view pictures of different ecosystems. There are many different links to click on such as, marine ecosystem, coral reef ecosystem, deep sea ecosystem, arctic ecosystem, mangrove ecosystem, etc. NatGeo also offers external links and references for more information! Grades 3-5

Analyzing an Ecosystem

Students are invited to analyze an ecosystem in an interactive way. Once in the activity, students must look for abiotic components, biotic components, producers, consumers, etc. It is great! Students can also click on many different ecosystems to explore! Highly recommend! Grades 3-5

The Tree of Life

This is an interactive website that allows students to classify animals by the correct classification system. They may explore relationships between species and create a cladogram just like a scientist would! Grades 4-5


This is a great website for students to play games and refresh their memory on ecosystems and all they entail! There are facts of the day, activities, homework help, contests, and even a link for students to take action. It could be a fun project with to do as a class! Grades 3-5

Exploring Ecosystems

This is a website that allows students to explore three different types of ecosystems: the everglades, the desert, and the arctic coastal plane. Once they click on the one they want, they may move through slides on that ecosystem. The language is in kid language and very beneficial. Each slide has pictures and vital information. Grades 4-5

BrainPOP: Ecosystems

We all love BrainPOP! This is a great video to introduce the students to ecosystems. I'd definitely use this as an intro rather than a review. BrainPOP offers new vocabulary and breaks down ecosystems into kid friendly language. Grades 3-5

Who Eats What?

This is a great book to show students how to food chains and food webs work. The pictures are great and it gets students thinking about how ecosystem work and the circle of life! Grades 2-3

 The War in Your Backyard: Life in an Ecosystem

This book is designed to help students think about the ecosystems in their own backyard. This is extremely relevant and engaging (great for evaluations :)) and the students will learn facts about all the animals and insects in their own backyards! Grades 3-5

Population Ecology

This is an interactive website to show students what happens when an oak tree sheds acorns and the affects it has on the ecosystem. Students can click on each insect/animal and discover how it is affected. Students can also click on different seasons to see how the ecosystem changes. Grades 4-5


This is a great resource for teachers when teaching an ecosystem unit! There is a multitude of videos, links, activities, and definitions available to help students learn. There are also PowerPoint slides and pre-made quizzes. Great website! Grades 4-6

American Deserts: Ecosytem

If you are studying the desert ecosystem as part of your ecosystem unit, this is the best website! Students can view pictures, click on different deserts in the United States, view how animals are classified, watch videos, and scroll through different pictures. Grades 4-6


This website is perfect for all students studying ecosystems. They may click on whichever ecosystem they are interested in studying and they may also discover how to get involved. This would be a great thing to go through as a class. Grades 4-6

Blue Planet Biomes 

This website shows all the biomes in the world. Students may look at the map and use the key to discover where the biomes are located. They may then click on the different biomes and read up on information pertaining to that biome and view pictures. Grades 4-5

Bimoe in a Baggie

This is such a fun website! Teachers may use this help students create their own biome in a bag! All of the materials and instructions are listed, as well as past results. Great website for an experiment with the students! Grades 3-5

Endangered Ecosystems

This is an important website for students to see because it shows some ecosystems that are currently endangered. Students can see the effects of what happens when an ecosystem in endangered and they may "join research teams" in Costa Rice and Mexico to learn about ecosystems. Very cool website! Grades 3-5

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