Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Text Set #2

World War II

World War II Resources

This is a great website for teachers to use during a unit on WWII. It offers printables from the Nazi takeover to Pearl Harbor to the Holocaust. There are also activities given alongside popular WWII fictional books like the Diary of Anne Frank, Number the Stars, etc. There are also many interactive online activities for the students to do in class! Grades 5-8


BrainPOP WWII is a GREAT video/introduction to the war. There are two separate videos, one pertaining to the causes of WWII and one pertaining to what happened during the way. Very educational and it is in kid-language. Grades 5-6

World War II Remembered

This website allows students to create a timeline of WWII using technology. This is a create way to incorporate computer skills into the classroom! Students may add photos, videos, texts, etc. Highly recommend! Grades 5-6

World War II

This website provides many online, interactive activities surrounding WWII. It also provides printables, for instance my favorite is one that asks, "If you could go back in time to WWII and talk to anybody, who would it be and what would you ask them?" Great questions to get the students thinking in new ways! Grades 5-6

Inside WWII provides the viewer with an interactive map of the world. The students can click on an area and discover what it was like during the time period of WWII. Once they choose a topic, students may read about it, view pictures, and even click on extra links for videos, etc. Grades 5-8

World War II

This website offers information on EVERYTHING from WWII. Students can click on whatever they like and information pops up! Great website for a review or to have available as a constant resource while talking about WWII. Grades 5-8

The Second World War

Spartacus Education gives an extensive timeline throughout WWII. It is amazing. You may click on each event and there you will find details and photos! Great site! Grades 5-8

World War II

This is a kid-friendly website because it allows students to create presentations/posters based on a variety of available resources and pictures. There are also many WWII videos and clip made available through the website. Students can also play games and complete online activities pertaining to WWII. Grades 5-8

Remembering Pearl Harbor

This website contains an interactive attack map from Pearl Harbor. You can hear narration by what sounds like a radio voice while the map shows when/where attacks took place! Grades 5-8 

The Holocaust: A Learning Site for Students

This site provides students with maps, historical photographs, artifacts, audio clips, and text discussing the Holocaust. Everything is organized by theme, so you may click on any part of the war and links, texts, pictures, and personal stories will come up! Extremely enlightening and engaging. Grades 6-8

The Holocaust: A Tragic Legacy

On this website, students may listen to Holocaust survivor stories, view a timeline, take a virtual tour of a camp, and even add a thought to the "virtual remembrance" wall. I would love to have my students do this! Grades 6-8

Children of World War II

This is a WONDERFUL website! Students virtually act as children living in the WWII time period. They may explore areas such as "food and shopping," "daily life," "air raids," etc. Once they click on an area, they may explore mini areas. For instance in "daily life," students may view "the wartime kitchen," "listening to the radio," "writing letters," or "friends and neighbors." They may view pictures, hear sounds, or read writings. It is phenomenal. Grades 5-7

BrainPOP: Holocaust

This BrainPOP video is a great way to introduce the Holocaust in kid language. It is sensitive and the children will understand what they are saying. It might be better for younger students (5th grade). This would be a great introduction or a great review! Grades 5-7

Number the Stars

This is an amazing book to go along with a social studies unit on World War II. It is great because the students may see what living in this time period would be like for a child of their age. This would be great to read in reading class during the WWII unit. Amazing read! Grades 5-8

Diary of Anne Frank

This is the story of a young Jewish girl who hid from Nazis for two years in Amsterdam. This another book that would allow the students to relate to a girl of their age. I would also recommend reading this book in reading class throughout a unit on WWII. Grades 5-8

1 comment:

  1. There are so many good content area connections in here. You cold use these texts with people reading Anne Frank's Diary or use it with many different kinds of history classes. I like the variety you found!
