Monday, June 18, 2012

Tech Review #3

PBS KIDS PLAY! Home Edition

This is a great website for students to play on. What I love is that it is geared towards keeping students' brains in use during the summer. Once you enter the website, you have a lot of free range to click on different options. There are shows to watch online and simple games. OR you can click on, "Play (award winning school readiness program)," "PBS Parents," "PBS Teachers," or "PBS Lab." If you click on "Play," students are able to play games that are aligned to the state standards. It also keeps progress of how the students are doing/coming along. This would be great for teachers during the school year or before to the school year to note where students are coming in at. You do, however, need a username for this. If you click on "Parents" or "Teachers," you will find a plethora of resources and activities to do with your students/child. My favorite it the "Tech Lab!" It gives ideas to parents for activities to do around the house and little things they can do with their child that will recall higher order thinking. There are simple ideas like, "let your child help set the table and have him/her count..." Little things, but helpful always! This website would be great for students grades K-4. The site could absolutely be used in school- there are many online/offline activities given. The site is fairly interactive, including games and videos. I like how user friendly it is! I especially like how after an activity idea, it suggests "take it further." Overall, I'd recommend this as a site to give parents, especially over the summer! 


  1. Thank you for sharing this website. I love PBS kids. I haven't played much on this before so I will check it out. I think that my kindergarteners will love it! I wish that I had this website to give to parents yo have their kids work on over the summer when school ended.

  2. This does seem like a great source for activities and also a good way to keep kids thinking over the summer. Does it link to any of the shows like Sesame Street or Arthur?
